Saturday, September 11, 2004

writing under the influence of lividity

I've decided that people need drama to survive. It's a form of sustenance. We thrive off of it, it drives us to do. It's entirely possible to remove yourself from the social hustle and bustle and sit by the wayside. It makes things simpler and you tend to learn a lot about how people act. As you watch all your friends and acquaintances trudge through every painful situation, you convince yourself that this is the way to live, free of drama. Unfortunately simplicity and life don't coexist. Social inaction desensitizes you. You become instinctively objective and stoic. You don't become overly angry or overly happy. You almost forget how to become overly angry or overly happy. Life becomes routine. With drama, you are a piece of the social puzzle. You have to identify who you are, what's around you, and where you fit in. As tedious as this may be, at least you end up surrounded by people that make life fun. It may seem like you could enjoy yourself so much more if you didn't have to go through all these difficult situations but without dark there is no light. Happiness is relative and if you have no pain to compare it to, it won't be happiness, it will just be. Life is drama. So when you get your heart broken, or argue with your parents, or fight with your best friend, realize that though life shouldn't be that hard, it is, it has to be. If life is easy, you're not living.

Bright white is best, but I'll take pitch black over dull gray any day of the week.


1 comment:

steven fregonese said...

i'm speechless, it's so true