Sunday, April 10, 2005

i'll admit it, i had to spell check the word "hypocrisy"

So I guess that complaining about something that always has been and always will be is kind of dumb. Then again most of the stuff you'll find if you scroll down can be classified as dumb so I'm right on track. I think political humor has run its eternal course. Count the number of movies, television programs, books, magazines, newspapers, and radio bits that fall under the less than endearing classification of "Political Satire" and, well, you'll probably become pretty good at counting...movies...and books....maybe just counting in general. Now count up how many of those can be classified as "Original" or "Clever." I'm guessing that it took you less time to count that up than it would take to count up how many times I've used the word classified or classification in the previous five lines. I suppose it's two more now. It seems as if a real comedian would recognize that the political humor well went dry a couple hundred years ago. You'd think maybe if someone was trying to be funny, they wouldn't go after a dead horse like politics. And please, let slide my blatant hypocrisy. When the president says something funny(stupid), doing a three minute TV bit on it isn't going to make it funnier. Drawing a cartoon where a missle is pointed at Iraq which is drawn 43 times bigger than Afghanistan isn't going to make anyone laugh, nor convince anyone to change their opinion on certain political decisions. Comedy isn't usually the best medium by which to send some persuasive message. Writing a book with a sophisticated title like "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" may return a nice paycheck from a publisher but in the time it took to write the whole book, the anonymous(cough) author could have come up with a one-liner that evokes more laughter. Talk about sandwiches. Joke about the different ways you can pop a balloon. Rant about the milk crust under the cap of a gallon of milk. Just don't talk about the most wrung out, humorless topic ever. And I'll do the same.
