Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Blogification = 1/Lifeitude

I theorize that blogging is inversely proportional to having a life. I have two pieces of evidence to support this. First, I have not blogged in almost two weeks, by far my longest drought. In the last two weeks I've been doing a lot of stuff, thereby having a life. When I am expending all my mental energy in the real world, I have nothing left for my beloved blog. I have no bathroom humor, deep observations, or thoughtful questions. I really have nothing. My second support is Steve's blog. He admits in the first line of his most recent post that his life has been rather unexciting, yet he manages to discover new blogging genius every time he posts. No offense to Steve, of course, but boredom leads to the aforementioned blogging genius. I love blogging and hope I can get back in the swing of things, but for now I'll focus on life rather than try to force low quality blogification, which is all I would have right now.


1 comment:

steven fregonese said...

god, what have i been doing with my life! oh yeah- blogging.