Saturday, July 10, 2004

and it's keeping me awake

I don't know how often the average person dreams. I have like 1-2 dreams every 6 months that I actually remember, and they're never very fun. But every once in a while I have one of the good ones. The kind that has people you know and like, the kind with intelligible dialogue. Not one of the ridiculous ones where your flying or falling, but an actual legitimate situation. It's the kind that covers every little detail, so it plays almost like a little movie. It's the kind that just makes itself exactly what you want (Because honestly, why shouldn't it?). It's the kind that fills whatever void you have so well that, for a little while, you actually believe it to be real, just because deep down you want it to so bad. It's the kind that disappoints you so much when you realize that its perfect world won't be waiting outside your door that when you open your eyes, everything seems darker.


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